Thursday, June 18, 2009

Play Them Off, Keyboard Cat

Ok, first just so everyone is on the same page...

Now, on to what this post is actually about.

Every Keyboard Cat video features someone failing at something so today's post would, naturally, be about failure in its many forms.

First, my mom's failure to take care of herself while working on projects, landing her in the hospital because she apparently has anemia. She's ok now.

Second, my dad's failure to hide the fact that he was the one who ate my taquitos a couple weeks back. Taquitos: $4.35, Salsa: 2.95, Catching an attorney in a lie: Priceless.

And last, my own failure at resizing objects. I recently won a really cool outfit from an MM board. The catch is that the prims were nearly impossible to resize. Needless to say, I spend far too much time attempting to resize them.

Now to teach my cat to play the keyboard...